Panning racers

sport collectif, individuel, motorisé...
Messages : 2
Inscription : 11 Sep 2018

#1 Message Mer 12 Sep 2018 06:04

I watched the famous cross country ski race, the Birkebeiner, in northern WI this past weekend. The homestretch consists of climbing a bridge and then skiing down the bridge to the finish line about 500 m away. While I photographed the start, at a midpoint, and the finish of the race (over 10,000 racers over 2 days of racing), I found shooting them coming down the bridge to the finish line the most challenging. While it's easy to shoot the colorful outfits at high shutter speed, it doesn't convey the speed of the racers. So I tried panning with low shutter speed to try to give a sense of the movement. My yield in terms of getting the racers in focus was pretty low, but there were a few acceptable ones. Any thoughts on how to do this more successfully?


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#2 Message Mer 12 Sep 2018 10:05

Good shot ;)

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#3 Message Dim 16 Sep 2018 08:48

As-tu utilisé des filtres ND?

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#4 Message Jeu 20 Sep 2018 20:55


Le filé est sympa et bien maitrisé. Dommage que la neige soit cramée

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